Living is a life-long neural network training in action as continuous data feed into us regardless of our desire. We better have it supervised from day one. Why?
Despite all the fancy terms, psychological or ideological, the meaning of life is all about bringing order into this random system, keeping us away from chaos. Additionally, if we can find constant satisfaction along with such endless endeavor, it’s happiness or euphoria for the lucky few.
That signifies a meaningful life is not necessarily a happy one. And not all happiness, or satisfaction, is meaningful. Of course, to pursue a happy life is a false aim to me now, instead, I’d like to say “to pursue a less chaotic life with happiness embedded”.
Thus, just as training an AI, to keep our neural network fitting, we must have ourselves supervised, and keep back-propagating accordingly. In addition to that, don’t forget to randomize our habit patterns and behaviors occasionally as we k-folding our dataset so that we won’t be overfitted. Maybe this is the doctrine of the mean in the AI term, neither overfitting nor underfitting.
No wonder we describe living a life as an uphill battle, and no wonder we are capable of learning anything.
Yes, certainly.