Living is a life-long neural network training in action as continuous data feed into us regardless of our desire. We better have it supervised from day one. Why?
Despite all the fancy terms, psychological or ideological, the meaning of life is all about bringing order into this random system, keeping us away from chaos. Additionally, if we can find constant satisfaction along with such endless endeavor, it’s happiness or euphoria for the lucky few.
That signifies a meaningful life is not necessarily a happy one. And not all happiness, or satisfaction, is meaningful. Of course, to pursue a happy life is a false aim to me now, instead, I’d like to say “to pursue a less chaotic life with happiness embedded”.
Thus, just as training an AI, to keep our neural network fitting, we must have ourselves supervised, and keep back-propagating accordingly. In addition to that, don’t forget to randomize our habit patterns and behaviors occasionally as we k-folding our dataset so that we won’t be overfitted. Maybe this is the doctrine of the mean in the AI term, neither overfitting nor underfitting.
No wonder we describe living a life as an uphill battle, and no wonder we are capable of learning anything.
前两天,法语课的同学分享了一个表达,“c’était écrit”。很简单的一句话,字面意思就是 “it was written”。有趣的是这句话的意思是“这是命中注定的”。
前段时间玩《战神: 诸神黄昏》的时候,遇到了一样的表达。当时主角的儿子一直想避免落入prophecy 宣称的命运,所以一直在避免去做预言中提及的事。于是作为父亲的Kratos和他说了如下这段话, “Do what is necessary. Not because it is written. We will make our own destiny”。因此我猜“命中注定”的翻译是来自于 “It was written in the prophecy”。
游戏里,主创借着命运三女神(Nornir)的口说出了他们对预言的理解: “There is no destiny, no grand design, no script. Only the choices you make. That your choices are so predictable merely makes us seem prescient.”
一切的起点是《God of War: Ragnarök》。下午打通主线故事剧情,被灌了满满一壶鸡汤,心情大好,于是决定出门骑车去运动一下。今天的天气很晴朗,出门的时候太阳还没有完全下山,有点凉,但依旧骑得很舒服。我一边骑一边回味游戏中的剧情,回味人物的对话。天渐渐完全黑下来,一点点冷了起来,风也开始变强。大概在骑了半小时的时候,遇到了一阵非常强劲逆风,即使自行车调到最低档,用全力蹬也只能非常慢地移动,有那么几个瞬间自己差点被刮倒。我计划着在下一个路口掉头回家,但在还没到路口的时候,想到了游戏里,Atreus 和父亲的一段对话。那是他们爷俩冒险路上第一次遇到soul eater,这是一个可以避免的战斗,可是在他们离开的路上,Atreus不停地和父亲说soul eater多么可怕,我们不用confront它真是太幸运了。做为父亲的Kratos这时决定折返回去。Atreus不解,父亲问: “Does it frighten you?” Atreus:”Yeah.” Kratos:“That’s why we must do it.” 这个对话其实发生在上一作游戏里,但是在本作Ragnarök结尾,Atreus决定要独自冒险的时候又出现了一次,只是老父亲最后一句变成了 “That’s why YOU must do it”.
其实,不论我内心怎么想,我的处境都没有变化:上肢依旧冰冷,面部依旧麻木,体力也并不充沛;只是我的心态发生了改变,甚至觉得 “i can do this all day”。而我所做的,只是重新界定了措辞所代表的含义。我变坚强了吗?并没有,我只是不再在意寒风了,这里甚至不需要动用坚强。I didn’t become braver, just afraid less. 难不成这就是尼采说的 “自从我顶了一回风,我就处处一帆风顺”[摊手]
或许,于对措辞背后含义的准确理解需要有于对生活的深入体验,浅尝辄止会让用词逐渐通货膨胀,也就让自己看起来变得软弱。尤其我们这些被城市生活圈养起来的人,对宝贵品质的描述只剩下纸上谈兵般的浪漫而忘记了其真正的含义。自由,无畏,勇气,以及动不动就说自己拼尽全力,无不如此。人类演化的历史大约有20万年,当我要说自己拼尽全力的时候,会好好想一想有没有达到20万年来所有人类的平均水平。难怪Saint-Exupéry 在他《人的大地》开篇便说“L’homme se découvre quand il se mesure avec l’obstacle.”(人在用障碍来衡量自己的时候,才会发现自己)。我相信他,因为从达喀尔到马赛,从巴黎到布宜诺斯艾利斯,天空中的每一颗星都见证过他的不屈(ps, 很喜欢intrépide这个词,大概因为是法语词)。